KVKK Policy

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Personal data protection RENTRAVEL TOURISM TRADE. Company The most important priorities of the company (“Company”) are among. RentRAVEL TOURISM TRADE. Company Home Personal Data Protection and Processing Policy (“ The principles that are adopted in the execution of personal data processing activities performed by our Company and the basic principles adopted in compliance with the regulations located in the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 (“Kanin”) are explained and thus providing the necessary transparency by informing the owners of personal data. Your personal data is processed and protected under this Policy.

The activities carried out by our Company for the protection of personal data of our employees, which are taken in parallel with the principles in this Policy, RENTRAVEL TOURISM TRADE. Company Home Employees are managed under the Personal Data Protection and Processing Policy.

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This Policy is related to all personal data processed in non-automated ways, except for our employees, or to be part of any data registration system. Detailed information about the personal data owners of this Policy is possible from the EC 2 (“EK 2-Personal Data Owners”) document.


The applicable law regulations in force on the processing and protection of personal data will first find the application area. In the event that there is incompatible between the legislation and Policy contained in the scope of the regulation, our Company agrees to find the application area of the applicable legislation. The policy regulates the rules outlined by the relevant legislation in the scope of the Company applications.


This policy held by our company is stored in the most current form of the company documentation portal accessible by the relevant persons. In case of any revisions, people with email are informed.

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