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RENTRAVEL TOURISM TRADE. Company As “Rentravel Tourism”, “Company” or “We”), we take care of the confidentiality of your personal data while fulfilling the services we offer to our guests and processing your data in accordance with the legislation. We would like to inform you about the following topics within this lighting text prepared in accordance with Article 10 of the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 (“C”):

How can we get your personal data?

Which personal data do we process?

We process your personal data based on what purposes and what legal reasons?

What purposes and who can share your personal data with?

What are your rights for your personal data and how do you use these rights?

How can we get your personal data?

As Rentravel Tourism, we are able to contact our guests with a lot of channels.

For example

When you visit our agents or branches,

When you call our call center and leave your information,

When you visit our website or make a reservation;

You can share your personal data with us during contact with our customer service or other Rentravel Tourism employees. We can also obtain your personal data by means of these institutions if you have a tool with our company.

Which personal data do we process?

As Rentravel Tourism, we can process your personal data in different categories under the services we offer to our valued guests.

Your ID and contact information; Name, surname, TCKN, passport etc. e-mail address, phone number, mobile phone number, information contained in your identity, address information

Your visual and audio recordings; Photo, call center records

Financial information; financial records or payment information about the services you have received from our company

Your current and past transaction information; hotel or package tour preferences or travel information about your current or past reservation.

Your request and complaint information; written or verbal records of requests and complaints regarding the services offered by Rentravel Turizm, or special requests relating to an existing booking

Your insurance information; details about your travel insurance policy

Your profession information; details about your profession

Other information; marriage history and child information

Your private qualified personal data; we may process your health information, which is special qualified personal data if you require a change or cancellation due to your illness or if you request a reservation change or cancellation.

What purposes do we process your personal data for?

Rentravel Tourism may process your personal data based on the following purposes and legal reasons:

2. The Law’s 5thmadde to offer you the best products and services you have requested We work based on the legal reason for the establishment and compensation of the ‘containing’, which is located in the c bend of the fetus. Rentravel Tourism offers you a lot of products and services, especially in tour reservations. We process your personal data such as ID, communication, request or financial information to offer you the products and services you request, or to perform your membership through our website and thus follow your booking process and membership process. For example, we make hotel reservations to perform a package tour you prefer, taking your flight tickets to your name, informing people to meet you and making informative communications about your trip. If the processing of your private qualified data is required in the booking processes, we will process this data by requesting your explicit consent.

2. The Law’s 5thmadde to improve our product and service quality The legitimate interest of the ‘data controller’ legal reason and the 5thmadde of the Law of the Law of time to time. We work based on the legal cause of the person who is involved in the dbye of the fetus. As Rentravel Tourism, we are always looking for ways to serve you better. We perform business development activities and analysis to improve the quality of our products and services, to measure the satisfaction of our guests. We process your personal data to perform our business processes. Or we can process your personal information in the feedback you have given in public via social media to improve our products and services and to measure customer satisfaction.

2. The Law’s 5thmadde to conclude your demands and complaints The legitimate interest of the ‘data controller’ and the Law’ located in the fraction of the fetus Article 2. We work based on the legal reason for the legal obligation of the ‘data controller’, which is located in the bend of the population. Your requests and feedback is very important for us. We may process your personal data to evaluate your demands on how we can offer you better and solve the negativeities you live or to take the necessary measures to not be able to experience them.

2.madde of the Law to create financial records 2. We work based on the legal reason for the establishment and compensation of the ‘containing’, which is located in the c bend of the fetus. We may process your personal data while conducting financial processes of our company. For example, the arrangement of invoices for the services we offer may process your personal data during the creation of financial records or execution of financial audits.

5.madde of the Law for the execution of in-house activities 2. We process the legitimate interest of the ‘data controller’ legal reason in the fraction of the population. As with almost every company, we can run certain processes in the company while conducting our business activities and process your personal data when creating records. For example, we manage our infrastructure of information technologies, reward the performance of our employees or perform internal audit operations.

5th of the Law in order to fulfill the legal obligations we have Article 2. We work based on the legal reason for the legal obligation of the ‘data controller’ and 2.Fıkra’, which is located in the bend of the population. We are subject to many legal obligations as the company. For example, we can process your personal data to fulfill certain obligations arising from regulations such as tourism, tax, insurance regulations, we may share your information with authorized public institutions or private organizations. We may process your personal data to respond to these requests without being asked for the applicable information requests to the applicable law, especially by authorities such as jurisdictions, police forces, regulatory supervisors.

What purpose do we process your data to make marketing communications and provide you with special opportunities?

If you have given your explicit consent, we process your name, surname, phone number, and email address based on the open consent legal reason, which is located in the 1.fıkra of the Law’s 5.madde to be informed of our promotions and promotions.

If you have given your explicit consent, we work on the planning, segmentation and profiling analysis of marketing activities to offer you special marketing activities, name, gender, date of birth, medeni status, phone number, email address, travel information (e.g. holiday destination, spending amount, spending frequency, how many times you go to holiday, preferred hotel category and booking information), marriage history, child information and occupational information based on legal consent based on the Law’s 5.madde’s 1.fıkra. In this way, we can offer you special content from our products and services we offer as Rentravel Tourism.

You can get back the consent you have given by contacting us at any time.

What purposes and who can share your personal data with?

We may share your personal data with third parties in certain cases. Below we summarize the parties and reasons we can share your personal data. We want to draw gold, as Rentravel Tourism, we do not share or access your personal data with unauthorized third parties.

Our third parties and sharing reasons we may share your personal data are as follows:

We may share your personal data with our partners. We may share your personal information with our suppliers such as hotel and similar accommodation service providers, airlines or bus companies that provide you with the products you receive under our package tour services. Especially when you purchase tour packages with overseas travels, our business partners that we transfer your information may be abroad. The third parties that we transfer your personal data in many cases may process your personal data with data controller adjective.

We may share your information with our suppliers. We use the services of the external third parties of Rentravel Tourism in some points that we provide communication with you. In this context, we serve our services directly from suppliers such as management of our website, providing information technologies infrastructure. However, we may share your personal data with attorneys to protect the legal and economic security of our Company. In these cases, we can transfer your personal data to suppliers.

We can transfer your information to financial institutions. We may share your personal data with banks or payment agencies to realize payments for our services.

We may share your personal information with authorized public institutions or private persons in a legal request. We may need to share your information with relevant organizations due to the insurance and tax legislation we are subject to legal obligations routinely or authorized public institutions upon request. For example, we may share your information with public institutions during courtesy of criminal investigations to respond to information requests transmitted by us or during tax audits.

What purposes and who are transferring your data to realize our marketing activities?

We share your name, surname, phone number and email information with our suppliers to send you commercial messages. On the other hand, we upload the permission information given to commercial message submission in accordance with the Regulation on Commercial Communication and Commercial Electronic Messages, your name, surname, telephone number and email information to Message Management System in accordance with our legal obligations.

We share your name, noble name, sex, date of birth, home situation, phone number, email address, travel information (the holiday destination you have, spending amount, spending frequency, how many times you are going to holiday annually, the hotel category you prefer and the contact information made in booking), marriage history, child information and professional information with our suppliers in the country and abroad to get the application hosting and server service.

What are your rights for your personal data and how do you use these rights?

You have a lot of information about your personal data as personal data holder under Article 11 of the Law. We want to inform you about the rights you have in this section and how you can use these rights.

The rights you have under Article 11 of the Law are as follows:

You can learn whether your personal data is processed by us,

If your personal data is processed by us, you may request information about it,

You can find out which purposes we process your personal data and that your personal data is used in accordance with these purposes,

You can learn the third parties we transfer your personal data in the country or abroad,

If we are missing or incorrect processing of your personal data, you may want to fix them and you may want to submit these fixes to third parties that we have transferred your personal data.

Although we process your personal data in accordance with the Law and other applicable law provisions, you may ask for the deletion or destruction of your personal data if the reasons that require processing of your personal data are eliminated, and in this context, you may also ask the corrections to be transmitted to third parties that we have transferred your personal data.

In the event that the data we work is analyzed exclusively through automated systems, you may object to this resulting conclusion,

In case you have any harm due to the processing of your personal data against the law, you may request the damage arising from the law.

You can use these rights by contacting us about your rights we have mentioned above. We have prepared the Rentravel Tourism Data Owner Application Form, which you can easily perform your requests in accordance with the requirements in the legislation and check on your personal data. After filling the application form, you can send the document to us with one of the methods specified in the form. We will answer your applications in the shortest time and last thirty days according to the nature of your application. Data owners are answered for free as a rule, but we also reserve the right to charge the fee by you according to the tariff to be determined by the Personal Data Protection Board if a cost is born.

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